Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Road Less Traveled

Today was our break day, and it gave us a fantastic opportunity to bring out our inner tourist. We spent the day hiking up to an Incan ruin near Cusco. While most tourists pay $3 for a taxi, we took the road less traveled and walked all the way up the mountain from our hotel, and all the way back down. Because there isn't much more to write about I will just post some pictures. Enjoy!

We hiked up first to Saqsaywaman, an old Incan fortress at the very top of the hill. It provides the "best view of Cusco" around.

There were a lot of alpacas, this is as close as I dared to go.

A view of Cusco from the top.

We also hiked across the ridge to the "El Cristo" (Jesus) statue. 

This statue overlooks the city.

Lucky us, the sun was in the perfect position.

After a long hike down, we ate a late lunch, then retired to our hotel. Annie and I had a project to do. We took all the pictures that we took last week of each individual child at Huch 'uy Runa and had to get them printed. We went down the block to a photo lab and had them printed. Half an hour later they were ready. We went and picked them up and brought them back to the hotel. Now, we had to put them back in order and use our list to write their names on the back of all 162 photos. It was a good job done, and a burden lifted off our shoulders.


Ben Beyond the Bubble.

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